Embassy of Heaven

Kingdom Canyon Press


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By Brooke Revere, age 17, 1997

Jim worked at a hotel as a bellboy. One day he came back from lunch and found four suitcases: one orange and red, one green and yellow, one blue and white, and one gray and black, all without names. Laying on one of the suitcases was a note. Jim read the paper and after a few minutes of thought, he was able to take the luggage to the proper rooms.

Below is a copy of the note. Using the clues, can you match the people to their suitcases?

  1. John Garth came alone. He went up to his room, shut the door, and closed the curtains. I think he's up to no good.
  2. A guy with a red tie came in with a woman who had a blue suitcase.
  3. Betty June came alone, except for the white cat she had in a green carrier.
  4. The guy with the red tie had a matching red suitcase.
  5. The woman with the 4 inch heels had a blue suitcase and a black purse.
  6. The brown suitcase belonged to a man.

Betty June

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Jason Smith

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John Garth

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Sally Anderson

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Betty June and John Garth came by themselves, so the people in clue #2 must have been Jason Smith and Sally Anderson.

Therefore, Sally had the green and yellow suitcase and Jason had the blue and white suitcase (clues #4 and #5).

A man (John Garth) had the orange and red suitcase (clue #6), so that leaves the gray and black suitcase to Betty June.